Biscuit Toppings

This recipe is going to delight your guests. You can be more artistic preparing this recipe. We are using gagangiri Shrikhand to make amazing biscuit toppings.

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Step 1

Pick a few biscuits/crackers. Salty and Sweet – Salty are fine.

Step 2

Scoop Some Gagangiri shrikhand from the cup to be used in the cup to be used in the biscuit toppings and pour it in a piping bag.

Step 3

Bring up the artist in you and layout the shrikhand in various ways

Step 4

Use Different nozzles to create various patterns.

Step 5

Keep adding shrikhand to the piping bag and creating beautiful designs.

Step 6

Always Use Suitable amount of shrikhand. We are going to put additional flavourings over the toppings.

Step 7

With your available resources, You can literally mix fruits, dry fruits, sauces, spices etc.

Step 8

Serve then to your guests. They are going to love this.


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Biscuit Toppings

This recipe is going to delight your guests. You can be more artistic preparing this recipe. We are using gagangiri Shrikhand to make amazing biscuit toppings.

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