Moong Dal Halwa

moong dal halwa is a traditional sweet dish. One of the favourites in auspicious occasions. Delight everyone with this traditional sweet halwa prepared with gagangiri ghee.

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Step 1

Take 300g of yellow moong dal in a bowl.

Step 2

pour water completely in the bowl and soak the moong dal overnight.

Step 3

Grind the soaked moong dal to a coarse paste.

Step 4

We are going to use gagangiri ghee for these traditional preparation. Open a jar of ghee.

Step 5

Heat a pan, take a 3 tablespoon of ghee and por over it.

Step 6

Once the ghee melts completely, Pour the grinded dal in tht pan.

Step 7

Let the dal cook in the ghee completely. Moong dal is sticky, you may have to completely stir it while it cooks, If it lumps, break it down into further pieces.

Step 8

Once the dal is cooked completely in ghee and is in granular form, Add 100g of sugar to it and stir further till the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step 9

The ghee will be completely absorbed into the dal. At this point, add a dry fruits, almonds and pistachios.

Step 10

Cook further here the ghee will start appearing again.

Step 11

Add crushed chironji seeds.

Step 12

Close the lid of the pan and let the halwa and dry fruits cooks completely for 5-10 Mins.

Step 13

Once the halwa is brown, It will mean its cooked completely, Put off the stove.

Step 14

Take the ready halwa in a bowl. Its ready to be served.


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